Monday, May 18, 2009
Posted by: seany
Time: 5:46 PM
Comments: 0
homework all done, next is just revision on geography and hurricane ritard

this friday's debate, gotta start researching.

crimes i will not commit : 

1) Rape
2) Molestation
3) Arson
4) Burglary
5) Gang Fights
6) Terrorism
7) Treason

havent thought about other crimes, but maybe crimes such as ankle socks and long hair i will commit.

do visit my math blog too ! the math posts are now rather simple, i need to research on other advanced stuff so that i can write it in my own words.

*courtesy of Boqing's creativity **thanks ! :D

p.s: who wants to go out after CSM?

im seany :D

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