Monday, March 23, 2009
Posted by: seany
Time: 5:29 PM
Comments: 0
Gala Dinner
Gala Dinner

not bad at all i must say, the food was way better than expected and was rather fun.

have a few photos to share, but more of the people and not the Gala Dinner itself. I'm still awaiting the class photos, for slowpokes to upload.

HuangBin, me and Daniel, both of em so shuai, i force smile too much

brian, me, Yuping and Daniel, 

Random - when did i ever take this photos

*sorry for the know..* i just couldnt resist putting these up, these are once in a while acceptable photos of mine, sorry again to people who cannot stand me doing such stuff


The ClockTower Incident - The Cleaning up and painting Episode

Tingwei the superhero

Kaiyuan *Gasps* and btw top is Liejun with Limitbreak Pro-Intervention Painting attack

Lumbin about to jump

Classic Oldies Photos

*courtesy of the Library Club's Storeroom Archives Section and mostly to Seanytan who took the pictures if not these photos will never ever be revealed*

fyi this pictures are self explanatory


FangHui's Scribbles
*click to enlarge*


ok that's it for now

im seany :D

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