Sunday, November 23, 2008
Posted by: seany
Time: 7:18 PM
Comments: 0
HAHA im back from Homestayin at my Buddy's house..

Im gonna bathe soon, cause i just finished packing my luggage to wuxi and preparing luggage to xiamen and back to singapore... You can actually sense how long more youll be back in singapore cause the money starts to go down a little by little..... My money is telling me the road to back to singapore isnt very far off.

Yesterday, firstly i have to thank my buddies for treating us to the Circus. It was amazing.. ill upload some photos to show u .. possibly videos as well.. I secretly took some photos and videos inside HAHAHA..

Some tricks were great but some i feel are too common and not very complicated to do.. But it was still great tho..

Then before i got to the circus we had to take a train around china.. then as usual it was rather crowded...

The ppl getting off that station was qutie aplenty.. then chongkeat go hog the exit.. then all got out... im the last in the "queue" 

When teng hui got off, the front door was 1/4 closed... when i started to get off it was 1/2 closed and the second door was about to close also.. then i jumped out... and i kena stuck about 1/2 here 1/2 there... then i juz pushed the door, then got out, considering tt teng hui tried pulling the door, but tt i only found out later... some indian tourists showed me the Nice job hand gesture and said i was superman ... HAHAHAHAHA.. Lucky i was fast enough.. if not half body in the train and half outside.. then if it drive off... hmmm... welllll.......

I go bathe already... Later or something i upload pictures and video if got time... 

im not angry.. im just disappointed......

im seany :D

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