and yes i LOOK veri happy. and type veri happily. but probably not.
haha random pic taken b4 i set off.
and the nike shoes.. haha yes NIKE shoes.. all vandalised by me and jiegang.. if u look closer its actually Nike AirLESS. and some of my blog adreses and my name on them and some random pictures.. hahaa
Dad's packing stuff into the car here. early in the morning.
ok super random ghey pics... dun bother.
JFOO.. u like techno? Techno Gooooood ... wahah
And i found this causeway point movie ticket in my jeans.. lol.. its the made of honour movie ticket. veri treasurable. better keep it lol
haha finished this sweets in 1/2 an hour.
aha big tap piacture taken in KL. a veri big tap.. if someone turned it on... OYJ there would be a great big flood!
hehe finally got into the hotel.. its the resort hotel in genting.. big mirror!
big toilet i must say. i like the toilet. it has a hanging bar which is super firm. but my hands hurt.
haha bycicle stunts.. they veri pro wor. i will upload a video of them tmr. haha
w8ting for seats
haha veri nice food. i finished everything. oh and theres still a few more dishes after this but i nvr take foto.. u juz nid to noe i finished everything. { MISSION [ become fat] } !
then we went shopping.. and i saw this shop! GIR S .. suppsoed to be a flashing L.. but i nvr time properly. so too bad..
then go back room i ate this!.. the chocolate one no more liao .. so had to make do with blackforest.. haha ! { MISSION [ become fat] } !
haha took piacture of myself looking around.. oh and btw this is the next day liao. then we went to eat at the theme park nearby tehre. eh no.. ttz for dinner. for lunch we ate this.
KFC CHICKEN RICE WITH CHICKEN! nvr see b4 rite hahaha.. in genting they got sell WAHAHA.. but the rice oso not veri nice.
then i went to buy some ice cream.. frozen for a long time.. i had to smash it to eat it.. haha.. i eat alot horz. but i complement with exercise la duh.!
the restaurant at the theme park dere.. the food not bad.
i ate 2 plates of rice.. trying out luchang's suggestion.
some1 pls improve on my hair
in the nite i tuned here and there and finally found this.. OYJ LA! HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER .. but its season 2. but its so kewll.. all of ur shld go watch !! haha subs in malay. cuz i in malaysia lol. haha after this show i went to slp.. how i fell asleep? haha not by counting sheep duh. my dreams were quite crazii also. cant recall.
ok the next day. the day we left genting.
TIAN TAN! not the beijing one. the genting one!
NOW U DO.. oops.. pls turn heads. nvr rotate lol. kewl mist!
ok den we went off after looking at the many chambers of hell..
more fotos of me b4 i fell asleep during the car ride..
wohoo the newly built HOLIDAY IN HOTEL A
The toilet!
The lobby with sch a kewl TV LCD ! oops LCD TV i mean.
lol my bro there haha.
Lets proceed into the room now!
SIAO HOR! LCD TV! wdh lo. and alot of channels as can be seen from here:
HAHA CH U NICKOLODEON! and many more!
HIGH SPEED internet acess .. i nvr bring laptop haha. but nvm ..
Looking down ......... from the 18th floor.
And the kewl bottles.. haha i sneaked it back to singapore HAHA. so kewl!
OK NOW FOR FOOD AGAIN! we went somewhere nearby
BIG SHOPPIANG MALL and not the only shoppiang mall around.. still got other more posh ones nearby haha. malacca so advanced liao lo. last time oni got historical sites.
as usual 2 plates of rice..
haha kewl poney
haha the shirts i wanted to change to into the changing room.
haha 2 bags oni la.! thank you mum and dad for buying ! haha
ok YING XIONG GUANG CHANG! literally translated. HERO MALL.. but instead they used MEGAMALL! zzz so lame.
haha saw restoran johnny's haha jonathan u open one ah!
the rotating tower.
veri bright lights cant take much foto. wanted to ride it but too many ppl. so cannot. its like the calsberg sky tower lo haha. malacca is much more city like as compared to KL. duno why now they so pro.
ok the next day. which is today.
buffet breakfsat. like oni me and my brother eating there lo. too posh liao. too pro.. beside it was a swimming pool and some spa place.
oh and we saw many singaporeans at this hotel.. i think they came as a church group. haha many people.. a few hundred i think.. all wear same shirt. errr if i rmbr clearly it was. T3 at TMC? definitely a church ttz all i can say.
hehe breakfsat!
ok a fridge.. free stuff.. can take one.. haha except i cannot take beer la!
haha see the bottle on the right. its FULL CReAM MILK.. i finished the entire bottle. haha this restaurant serve drink liddat haha. so kewl!
YOU GHORT . haha makes me fat oso i hope.. i dun like youghort but im sacrificing alot for the end result. haha oh ya .. did i tell u i hated durians.. friggin hate em.. but heard they can make me fat. gonna sacrifice all these to eat.. im sacrificing alot mannn.
hehe took pic with manager or captain in charge AHAHHA.. hes a veri kewl person!
i think hes holding a bottle of sth so he hide it behind me when taking foto AHAH.
haha the not opened yet mall in front of my hotel. THE JETTY..
OVERVIEW OF THE JETTY >_< SUPER BIG! and long. it reaches out to the other island.
i walked all the way to the other side haha. den i found out got a loong car take u around.. zz
den we went back hotel.. found out things in fridge can take for free and the mister potato oso.!
haha kit kat! i ate the whole packet oso.
oh ya the toilet in the hotel got rolling window.. not much privacy.. got alot of holes.
b4 go setting off back to singapore.
we tuned in to TV
HAHA JUSTIN ANG FROM 987 FM.. he toking about one of the songs.. haha
and btw.. MERCY by DUFFY is a great song.. the soundtrack of sex and the city.. and as commented by 938 LIVE MALENIE OLIVERIO.. she says the actresses in the show were <> haha learnt a new word today!
the clock veri kewl.. nidda put sth behind to see the time haha.. the light oso veri kewl
okok as usual b4 the last part back to sing.. we sure go YONG PENG. eat stuff
and shopping for general goods.
haha restaurant lucky garden.
hope this changes my luck. ppl say my luck not good. maybe ttz the reason for everything ahhaaha..
ok no more pics.. actually still got some.. but veri not showable. hahaha.. too funny to show. nvm
gonna post more tmr.. this post has made me very exhausted
and oso one last thing..
every morning afternoon night.. wake up shoppiang slping dreaming !! argh its driving me nuts.. ok this is random and you wun noe what im talking about but nvm.. leave this a secret oni i noe HAHA